Is honesty the best policy at work?

As leaders in organizations, is it better to wear your heart on your sleeve or to have an enigma about you? Are openness and honesty necessary in the work place? Do they help build a positive work culture or are they merely seen as good-to-haves? It’s hard to argue against honesty at work. Unfortunately however, we may sometimes give the wrong message with our words or actions. Take note of the following trip-ups that may be affecting how honest you appear to your colleagues :

1) When you start a sentence with “in my honest opinion…” does it mean that at other times you are not honest? Make that sentence taboo if you want to be seen as an honest person.

2) Think about how you can design the environment so that honesty becomes the norm and culture. For example, are you saying the same thing to everyone? Do you talk about others behind their back? Do you encourage open questions and feedback at meetings or during conversations?

3) As a leader, one way to assess if you are equally open and honest with everyone is to check if most people are able to articulate your vision somewhat accurately. Do most people feel that they “know you” and your “philosophy” about the company? Are they energized by your vision?

Honesty is a major factor in a leader’s credibility and ability to build trust. So keep an eye on it and ensure to align it to your core values.

3 secrets to jump start your new year

I have to admit that I am probably the most melancholy between 26 December and 1 January every year. It seems to be a no man’s land in the whole year. A period when we are revelling from Christmas parties and still looking forward to year-end get togethers. But at the back of my mind, I am constantly asking myself what I have achieved in the year. What have I not paid enough attention to. What promises have I not kept. And as I look to the new year, I know there a few things I need to get done. Yet there’s always a sense of foreboding that I may not be able to get it all done.

To jump start the new year, here are 3 steps that have helped me tremendously :

1) Be present for yourself. Focus on your breath whenever you are by yourself or even when you are with others. This simple act can help to centre your being any time.

2) Write. I used to say write a journal but now I think it doesn’t matter. As Long as you write something every day. Not sure what to write? Just answer these questions :
A) what choices did I make today?
B) what touched my heart today?

3) Read. It’s simple : if you are not reading, you are not learning. And we all know the benefits of reading and learning to fight Alzheimer’s and other mental illnesses. Plus reading is a great way to spend “me” time. By the way, I think reading is different from skimming articles on social media so try reading hard copies if possible 🙂

Try these and let me know how you get on:) happy new year!